"Never give up"- Quitting should never be a choice in one's life.

“Great things happen to those who don't stop believing, trying, learning, and being grateful.”
― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

Every journey that we head is a package of several stirring adventures and so is life. It also comprises numerous events, tales and explorations. Just as we do not lose enthusiasm in any valiant tours, likewise we should not lose willingness in the journey of life.

None of both, of course, has merciful trails however, each kind of them comprises infinite essential happenings and insights that unfolds as a vision to the successive crossroads. 

We often go through some turning points where we get bound by the conditions to leave our aspirations behind for some cause or the other. We, somehow, convince ourselves to make compromises at the moment but a sense of disappointment and regret last within us forever. This pulls out the zeal from life and gradually, life starts to appear unpleasant.

The key, that I believe, for not losing the spirit of life is not giving up on what you've chosen for yourself and making a way for it taking up every possibility. Also at times, when things get excessively problematic to deal with, you've got an alternative to decide on which is to drift the direction, not the ambition. Even when there doesn't stand any assurance of your accomplishment, your belief and commitment for your intent indeed make a significant count in the journey of your life.


You can find infinite reasons to surrender your craves but you need to discover a single to sustain your dreams. A solitary ideal is all that is urged to go on and that lends you endurance despite all setbacks. No route that we walk on is absolutely free from hurdles but when we're rigorously willful for something, every obstacle shows up to be painless. Thus, Be it a small or large motive to fulfil, uphold it till your last.
Whatever be the circumstances, I believe that to quit or to give up your cravings can never be a favourable choice for any of us. We struggle for several things in our daily lives and fighting for your lively longings possesses no less worth in fact a ton more than anything and everything.

I agree that it may not be very easy to conduct but in your sole life, there should definitely not be a room for regrets of not trying hard with all your spirit. Be it a victorious ordeal or a fruitless, be it today or tomorrow or anytime later, all that is counted is the certainty that you attempt to push yourself to give rise to a better version of you at every following grade of life. 


Hence Conclusively, one should never forfeit the heart and spirit from anything we determine to achieve in any point of life. Ups and downs are the permanent parts of any journey but the willingness and sportsmanship required to keep abiding it up in every path make the voyage commendable which is to be admired all life long and also brings along a joyous and contented climax to the journey of our existence.

Hope this blog turns out to be at least a tiny basis of the motivation to keep going and never losing the zeal out of life. Willing to look forward to the experiences that you deduced from your battle with the circumstances to uphold your desires. 


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